My Amtrak Train Models HO & N scale can be seen on this page eventually. However, I just saw the following video for the first time on Bachmann’s YouTube page on December 27th, 2024. So, I wanted to share it with my visitors. The video shows the First Look at Bachmann’s HO Amtrak Acela II locomotives. The passenger cars have been out for a while now, and I have been interested in seeing what the new Bachmann Acela II locomotives and sets will look like.
Wow! Doesn’t that look great? It’s going to be even cooler seeing it run around a track when that time comes.
Some of you may know that I like to combine 2 of my hobbies: trains and travel. For New Years a couple of years ago (2021), I considered taking a train from the Charlotte, NC area to around Baltimore where it looked as if I could pick-up a ride on the new Acela II train cars. But every time I tried to book the tickets, I had trouble telling for certain if the train I was going to be riding on would be an Acela II train set, plus I also had trouble settling on WHERE in New York I was going to go to watch the Ball drop on New Year’s Eve. In the end, I didn’t book anything nor did I go. A regular Acela train may have been running at that time, but I think they were running further North near Massachusetts. I couldn’t confirm that they were running from Baltimore. Thus far, I have not been aboard an Acela train (to my knowledge).
I have 2 Bachmann Acela Train Sets in my Amtrak Train Models HO collection, plus 2 additional cars acquired in 2024, that I haven’t even removed from their shipping box or tested yet. Hopefully, I will get a chance in 2025 to run all of the Acela trains that I have. I ran the 2 sets combined this past summer at the North Carolina Transportation Museum on the Metrolina Model Railroaders club’s French, Broad & Catawba layout. A couple of those videos will be posted here eventually, along with other videos of HO & N scale Amtrak train running on my own layouts.
I also have a good many N scale Amtrak passenger cars and locomotives. Some of the cars are lighted. I hope you enjoy them when you see them.
My first personal video that I am posting you have already seen on my ShowMyHobby YouTube channel or on another post related to my CB&Q trains. Both are in the following video.
N scale Amtrak GE P42 #46 pulls 12 Superliner passenger cars while a CBQ passenger train runs a 6-piece consist on April 5, 2018
In the next video, only the HO scale Walthers DC only locomotive belongs to me. I was testing some roadrailers that were on consignment. Those have been purchased by a fellow club member who has a very impressive roadrailer collection.
My Walthers HO scale F40PH #404 Diesel pulling 4 Amtrak 53′ Platewall roadrailers in 2018.
If you would like a full listing of the Amtrak rolling stock that I have, let me know in a comment on this page. Please only let me know if you want to see the list of Amtrak Rolling stock when you comment. None of the comments you post will be shown to the public and I will only live the ability for you to comment up as long as people do not abuse it by sending me spam, offers about things I am never going to be interested, or other junk. If I start receiving too much crap unrelated to the list of my Amtrak Rolling Stock List, I will remove the ability to comment on this page as I have done on practically everywhere else.
Right now, Bachmann hasn’t announced when they plan to release the new HO scale Amtrak Acela II locomotives. I cannot be sure that I will get one as I imagine they will be expensive. [While watching the video for the 3rd time, I decided to put in it full screen mode. That time, I saw that Bachmann provided a model number of 01206. So, I visited the page, and they have already priced their Bachmann Amtrak Acela II Train Set at $799.00. The page says Coming Soon. I visited Trainworld and they have it on pre-order with an estimated availability date of 01-15-2025 (But don’t bank on that as Trainworld hasn’t shipped a pre-order that I have made with them on time yet. It could be months after that date before these sets actually start shipping.)] If you would like to help me get one, please donate using my donation page. Pay close attention to the donation levels so that I can publicly acknowledge and thank you your gift if you want me to. Many thanks in advance for your support.
A friend and member of a train club in Massachusetts sent me a snapshot of an article he saw in what I believe may be Model Railroad News regarding the reason Bachmann has delayed the release of the Acela II train sets and locomotives. He snapped the picture and sent it to me on December 12, 2024. You will probably have to guess at some of the words because of the reflective flash spot. You see what I received. So, right now it is still anyone’s guess as to when the new Acela II train sets from Bachmann will be available.
MRN talk with Bachmann about Acela II revisions causing release delays.
Created: December 27, 2024. Published: December 29, 2024.
April 1st, 2024, ShowMyHobby will now provide the Live YouTube Channel. Within the past week, I have been experimenting with making Live stream videos. The number 1 reason for this is because of the amount of time it takes for me to make normal videos with my cell phone, download those videos, and then re-upload the videos to YouTube. I have well over a hundred videos where this process has not yet occurred. The number of hours represented by those videos a probably very close to if not over 150 hours. To give you a more accurate elapsed time figure, I would have to go through all the videos and the issue with doing that is my lack of “TIME” to do so. The YouTube Channel, based on the 3 live streams I have already recorded, may workout better FOR ME to be able to present you with videos of what I am doing.
Although LIVE streaming videos are there to allow people to see in real-time exactly what is going on, my YouTube Channel Live Streams will simply be used as a much easier, less time-consuming way for me to get recorded videos into the channel. Thus far, I do not know if I can EDIT those videos once I have produced them. I am going to attempt to edit video #3 right have creating this page announcing the channel. Either it works or it doesn’t.
My plan is to create a post here on the website for every Episode on the channel (except for possible PRODUCT videos that are specific to 1 product mostly verifying that product’s current condition). Those post should therefore appear in chronological order below, starting with the very first one which is me actually testing whether or not a live stream video will be saved and where in my channel I can find it.
Bear with me as I begin this process and try to figure out a way to make the videos more entertaining while still providing you with some decent information and content. Unfortunately, I have learned that I cannot PAUSE a live stream video and occasion have already occurred and will occur when I will need to walk away from the recording process meaning I will not be in front of or behind the camera.
The YouTube channel has been online for quite some time now already. The Live streams are the new thing. This past year, I discovered that it is very easy to pull-up and watch the videos in the SHM YT channel on my large screen TV’s, all of which are smart TVs with Amazon Firesticks attached to them. I mention this to you because basically you can view the channel on practically every type of Eletronic, computerized, video equipped device you have including cellphones, tablets, chrome books, laptops, iPads, and Televisions. And I hope you will view the channel and videos on the largest screened devices you have.
I am going to apologize NOW for my poor camera recording skills. I promise to work on these to try to keep the items that I am talking about in the focus frames. I also apologize for state of my living room where the majority of the videos have and are currently being recorded. It is a MESS. I have overrun my home with trains. IT NEEDS SOME SERIOUS HELP — which is why I am doing the videos and part of the reason for selling consigned hobby related items. The trains need a building of their own. YOU CAN HELP ME BUILD ONE MUCH FASTER than I will be able to do so on my own by donating to the cause, watching my online videos, promoting them by sharing them with others, and buying some of the items for sale on the website.
As much as I want and need the money that SHOULD BE generated by the videos, I DO NOT LIKE ADVERTISEMENTS. Personally, I absolutely detest advertising that interrupts me. So, if I had my way, no advertising would INTERRUPT you! I am going to try to hold out as long as I possibly can and try to PREVENT YouTube from injecting ads into my videos. However, they offer the platform for free. To offset the costs and profit from their endeavors, they make money by displaying paid ads around all videos to the viewers on the site. Guess what? I have no choice in the matter. They will always inject some advertisements in or around the videos I place on their platform. I must eventually agree to allow them to insert ads into my videos if I am going to make any money from doing so. To date, I have not received 1 penny from Google / YouTube for anything that I have posted there. And I currently couldn’t tell you if any video posted there caused a sale of an item on or eBay (when I was listing items on eBay). I hope the future is much brighter than the past.
Previously, I have not really been concerned about subscribers to the channel. However, I have set a couple milestones and a subscriber goal. As I reach the milestones, I will reveal what they are and an action that I would like for the subscribers to consider taking as those milestones are reached. So, if you like the content presented, please click on the channel subscribe button. Also, Like this page and pages where individual episodes appear.
I will probably not have a set day and time when I make the live videos. Most of them will probably be made very late at night and in the early hours of the morning. I do not expect the majority of my channel viewers to be able to catch me actually making a live recording. Even if you do, I currently do not imagine that I would be able to interact with any viewers while I am live streaming. I mostly plan to be behind the camera with the focus on what you are looking at and not me. Currently, I’m recording video using a Chrome book and its built-in webcam. I have a surveillance camera that I hope to start trying soon. And I also hope to try the GoPro Hero 8 camera as a webcam source. There is a train show in Hickory coming up this next weekend and I am trying to get as much done to get prepared for that as I can including promoting the event and getting more items online. I am working very hard on the HJR Lonsway Pike layout project too and am ambitiously trying to get a lot of the wiring, lighting, scenery, and town finished. I have things I have wanted to work on and record of the Easter weekend and didn’t get to all of it. Two nights ago I came up with a name for the town and wish to talk about that as well as get it done. Today, I have to put up some ads for the Train Show, see if I can edit the 2:45 live stream #3 video, and publish all 3 YouTube Channel Livestreams.
Thank you very much for checking out this page, showing and interest in, watching the channel and the videos, and providing your support.
Hours: Friday, April 5, 2024, Noon to 7 PM Saturday, April 6, 2023, 9 AM to 3 PM
Admission: Adults $7.00, ($10 for both days). Attendees under 12 years old get in FREE. Free Parking.
Features: There will be hundreds of tables featuring model trains in all scales, railroadiana, railroad artifacts and antiques, and several operating model railroad layouts. Admission is $7 for adults, $10 for adult 2-day passes, and free for all under the age of 12. All proceeds from the event will go to the railroad history preservation efforts at the Southeastern Narrow Gauge & Shortline Museum at 1123 N. Main Ave. in Newton, NC, and the Museum will be open regular hours during the show!
Hickory’s 22nd Annual Train Show will be occupying 3 of the train tables at the Hickory Train Show. Once you arrive, you will have to find me among the other vendors and attractions. I have lots of great trains in very good condition or better. This year, I still have some S scale trains available, almost all of them are in their original boxes in very good condition. The collection includes mostly steam era trains but also includes a couple diesel locomotives. I have A.C. Gilbert American Flyer by Lionel and many trains by American Models. If you are an S scaler, this will be a great opportunity for you to pick up some additions for your layout or collection. However, please visit my website and view the S-Scale trains available and pre-order them, if you can. Although I will have a lot of the S scale items with me and some O scale items, I will probably have them underneath the tables since they take up so much space. So, unless you ask about them, you may not see them or be aware that they are there. If you are interested in starting your own S scale layout, you might be the first lucky person to pick-up the very realistic American Models’ tracks that I have which happen to be enough track to create a double mainline layout. I have 2 different radius curves available for 2 circles. If you cannot make this event, it’s okay, you’ll find a few of the items for sale on my website.
If you are coming to the train show and wish to pre-purchase items from my website, use one 1 of the following coupon codes indicating which day you plan to pick-up the items. Purchase before Wednesday at midnight, April 3rd, 2024 using the appropriate coupon code and no shipping charges will be charged online. After midnight Wednesday, items sold online will begin shipping on Monday after the show.
I also have lots of great vintage HO scale items, many of them are simply NEW items in their original boxes that are 10, 15, 20 or more years old. Some items are factory-built kits and others are kits that someone put together, but rarely, if ever, ran on a layout. I also have USED trains. The majority of all trains I have for sale are in good to very good condition. I also have lots of BUILDINGS and STRUCTURES. The buildings and structures take up a lot of table space at shows so sometimes it is hard to put those out on the tables. I have a lot of HO Bachmann Plasticville snap-together buildings that can be assembled in less than a minute. So, if you are interested in HO Scale buildings, please ASK me as many of them many not be out on the tables. A manual HO scale Atlas turntable is also available.
Athearn, Tyco, Bachmann, AHM, Lionel, American Models, S-Helper Service, Life-Like, Atlas, Roundhouse, Model Power, Midwest Products, Shinohara, Campbell, Con-Cor, Faller, MRC, Train-Miniature, and Walthers are just some of the manufacturers that I have from. Road names include everyone from Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe to Western Pacific railroad. So come on out, bring the family, see some model trains, and buy a train or train related item either for yourself, a loved one or as a gift for someone. Incidentally, electronic gift cards are available online on my website so if you need to, buy someone a pre-paid gift card and then send them to the show to pick something out. Obviously, the gift cards only work at my tables or for online purchases on my website (with the latter being the best way to use them.)
I am going to have a raffle registration on the table at the show. Fill-out the entry form if you wish to be on my direct emailing list and place your entry in the box. After the show, I will randomly pull one of the entries and email the winner. The prize will be the following display model trains that are currently up for sale on my website as 2 HO-like Classic Trolley Street & Cable Cars. One is the streetcar named Desire and the other is the Powell & Mason streetcar. I will email the winner and ask them to provide their shipping address. Once received, I will ship the prize to them on Monday. Because these are display models, they can easily be used by everyone regardless of whether or not you have an operational HO scale train layout. View the prize items on my website at this link address:
The following pictures and videos are from previous Train Shows and represent a walk around of the tables I had there. Many of the items are still for sale now. sells trains, train related items, and other collectible items at train shows and online via my website as well as on eBay. Most of the items offered for sale are consigned items. If you have a collection of trains you would like to get rid of, you can consign your trains by visiting the following link: I will be attending other train shows throughout the rest of year which provides a great opportunity for your items to be sold. Many of the items currently available have been consigned by model railroaders getting out of the hobby and by recipients who inherited items from the estates of modelers and collectors. I can help your trains find new homes if you want me to. I prefer HO and N scale trains but can eventually sell most trains. I have a large collection of German and European trains that will be featured at future train shows.
If you are looking for electric model trains and accessories in HO scale, N scale, O scale, S scale and G scale, then attend the train show and stop by tables and check-out the model railroad related items I have for sale. I accept CASH and ALL Plastic Credit or Debit cards. I have Ready-To-Run items and kit items that require assembly. You will find a multitude of great items to choose from at this train show. Whether you are just getting started in model railroading or have been involved in it for a long time, you’ll find something that interest you at the train show and hopefully you’ll find something on my tables that you’ll want to take home and add to your collection or purchase as a gift for someone you know that loves trains.
If you only prefer to buy NEW train stuff from the internet and have it delivered to your home, visit If you do not see what you like or want among my inventory, use the Factory Direct Hobbies link on website and get a discount off your next Factory Direct Hobbies purchase. The owner of Factory Direct Hobbies used to participate at local NC train shows. Now he has really taken his business to the next level and his success has recently allowed him to save Although MTS is not back-up and running yet, when they do become operational again and get their rewards programming functioning, there is a link on my site to them as well that previously saved you money on your purchases.
Hope to see you at the Hickory NC Train Show!
Happy Model Railroading and Train Rail Fanning …
Review the latest update to the list of consigned items. You may see something listed that you like and want to make sure you get it. You can actually BUY ITEMS BEFORE THE TRAIN SHOW and then Visit the Train Show and pick them up without paying for shipping. Follow the instructions and use the coupon code mentioned below.
Although I haven’t taken pictures of Most of the items in the Consignment List, I am going to import the majority of the listed items into the website early Tuesday morning the 26th of September. You will easily identify these items on my website because they won’t have a picture that matches the item or there will be a note in the description of a pictured item that the item shouldn’t be ordered for shipping purposes because the packaging information is incorrect.
Instructions for Buying Train Related Items prior to the Train Show and Picking them up:
While viewing items in the SHOP on my website, add items you want to the shopping cart.
When you have everything you want in the cart, apply the coupon code that corresponds to the Day of the Show that you will be picking up your items: HTSPKUPFRI or HTSPKUPSAT. These coupon codes will remove the shipping charges from the total amount due.
Buy the items prior to midnight on Wednesday, April 3rd.
Print-out or write down your order including the order number.
Arrive at the Train Show Friday or Saturday. (Admission cost to get into this Train Show is $7 per adult. Children under 12 get in free.)
Locate my tables by asking any Show Vendor or Representative (as I do not know exactly where my tables will be located yet).
Tell me your order number or show me your printed order receipt and I will hand you your web-ordered item(s).
Additional information that you should be aware of:
Remember, all sales via ShowMyHobby are final. All items are sold “As Is”. No items are returnable. And No Refunds are provided for any items sold. These policies apply to ALL items and ALL sales whether made online, in person, or at a Train Show.
If you buy items using the Train Show Pickup Coupon Code, you must show-up during the published show hours and pick-up your items directly from me / No other vendor is responsible for the items you purchased, nor may any other vendor supply you with the items that you purchased from It is a good idea to show up at least 2 hours prior to the published end of show time. I am often not completely set-up during the first 1 to 2 hours of the first show day. Arriving between 12 PM and 2 PM is the best time to pick-up your online orders during a Train Show.
I’m not certain exactly where my tables will be at the Train Show. Ask around and someone should be able to direct you to my area. The coupon code will EXPIRE at midnight on Wednesday the 3rd. However, any order placed after 11 PM may not make it into my car so make sure you purchase your order prior to 11 PM. Also, be aware that I leave Thursday morning the 4th for this particular train show, so your order must be placed by 11 pm Wednesday night. Any order placed after 11 PM could get the items sold again without me being aware that they were sold on the website. I will print the items sold inventory pick list at 11 PM. I would end the coupon earlier if I could, but the system doesn’t allow me to change the time of day on which the coupon ends. Coupons end at midnight.
If you fail to show-up and pick up your order, next week I will package your items, weigh the box, and email you an invoice for the actual shipping costs plus payment processing fees. You will need to pay that invoice and then your items will be shipped to you. Be aware: the shipping fees will most likely differ significantly from any shipping charges my website may show you before you enter the coupon code. This will happen because in order for me to import items into my website, I must SPECIFY a PACKAGED WEIGHT and SIZE for every item. Since I haven’t taken a picture of several hundred of the items, it means that I also haven’t yet WEIGHED those same items or measured them to know what size shipping box will be required to ship them. To import the items, I am going to assign the same fictitious weight and box dimensions to all the imported items. This weight may not be anywhere close to the real size and weight of any particular item. My website automatically calculates the shipping box(es) size and total combined weight for multiple items based on whatever these figures are associated with each item. During the days prior to this upcoming Train Show, it is not a good idea to purchase items without pictures online if you do not plan to pick them up at the train show. Shipping charges for those items may be grossly incorrect.
To avoid unpleasant circumstances and inconveniences, try your best to pick-up any online ordered items at the Train Show. If you fail to pick-up items and further fail to promptly pay the invoice to ship items to you, you forfeit any monies you paid for the items or the right to receive the items. No refunds will be issued! Additionally, you subject your yourself to possible collection actions that might also include additional charges such as restocking fees. Please be certain to PICK-UP items at the Show or promptly pay shipping invoices if you are unable to make the train show.
Saturday, September 16th, 2023 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, will be participating in the Train Show being held at the Carowinds exit off I-77 South at the Clarion Hotel, 4695 Foothills Way in Fort Mill, South Carolina. There will be many other vendors present too. This is a NC / SC Train Show SALES EVENT happening in the Charlotte Area and is a good opportunity to buy model trains and model railroad related trains, parts, supplies, and accessories.
I will have with me a good selection of locomotives and rolling stock including box cars, passenger cars, gondolas, tank cars, hopper cars, diesel engines, steam engines, and other types of train cars, plus buildings, tracks, controllers, bridges, and other pieces in HO, S, N, and O scale train related items. I will NOT have enough room to display everything, but I will try to have handy a good mix of the items.
Review the latest update to the list of consigned items. You may see something listed that you like and want to make sure you get it. You can actually BUY ITEMS BEFORE THE TRAIN SHOW and then Visit the Train Show and pick them up without paying for shipping. Follow the instructions and use the coupon code mentioned below.
Although I haven’t taken pictures of Most of the items in the Consignment List, I am going to import the majority of the listed items into the website early Thursday morning the 13th of September. You will easily identify these items on my website because they won’t have a picture that matches the item or there will be a note in the description of a pictured item that the item shouldn’t be ordered for shipping purposes because the packaging information is incorrect.
Instructions for Buying Train Related Items prior to the Train Show and Picking them up:
While viewing items in the SHOP on my website, add items you want to the shopping cart.
When you have everything you want in the cart, apply the coupon code FMTSPKUP. This coupon code will remove the shipping charges from the total amount due.
Buy the items prior to 8 PM on Friday, September 15th.
Print-out or write down your order including the order number.
Arrive at the Train Show Saturday. (Admission cost to get into this Train Show is via voluntary, monetary donation.)
Locate my tables by asking any Show Vendor or Representative (as I do not know exactly where my tables will be located yet).
Tell me your order number or show me your printed order receipt and I will hand you your web-ordered item(s).
Additional information that you should be aware of:
Remember, all sales via ShowMyHobby are final. All items are sold “As Is”. No items are returnable. And No Refunds are provided for any items sold. These policies apply to ALL items and ALL sales whether made online, in person, or at a Train Show.
If you buy items using the Train Show Pickup Coupon Code, you must show-up during the published show hours and pick-up your items directly from me / No other vendor is responsible for the items you purchased, nor may any other vendor supply you with the items that you purchased from It is a good idea to show up at least 2 hours prior to the published end of show time. I am often not completely set-up during the first 1 to 2 hours of a show. Arriving between 11 AM and 2 PM is the best time to pick-up your online orders during a Train Show.
I’m not certain exactly where my tables will be at the Train Show. Ask around and someone should be able to direct you to my area. The coupon code will EXPIRE at midnight on Friday the 15th. However, any order placed after 8 PM may not make it into my car so make sure you purchase your order prior to 8 PM. Any order placed after 8 PM could get the items sold again without me being aware that they were sold on the website. I will print the items sold inventory pick list at 8 PM. I would end the coupon earlier if I could, but the system doesn’t allow me to change the time of day on which the coupon cancels. Coupons cancel at midnight.
If you fail to show-up and pick up your order, next week I will package your items, weigh the box, and email you an invoice for the actual shipping costs plus payment processing fees. You will need to pay that invoice and then your items will be shipped to you. Be aware: the shipping fees will most likely differ significantly from any shipping charges my website may show you before you enter the coupon code. This will happen because in order for me to import items into my website, I must SPECIFY a PACKAGED WEIGHT and SIZE for every item. Since I haven’t taken a picture of several hundred of the items, it means that I also haven’t yet WEIGHED those same items or measured them to know what size shipping box will be required to ship them. To import the items, I am going to assign the same fictitious weight and box dimensions to all the imported items. This weight may not be anywhere close to the real size and weight of any particular item. My website automatically calculates the shipping box(es) size and total combined weight for multiple items based on whatever these figures are associated with each item. During the days prior to this upcoming Train Show, it is not a good idea to purchase items without pictures online if you do not plan to pick them up at the train show. Shipping charges for those items may be grossly incorrect.
To avoid unpleasant circumstances and inconveniences, try your best to pick-up any online ordered items at the Train Show. If you fail to pick-up items and further fail to promptly pay the invoice to ship items to you, you forfeit any monies you paid for the items or the right to receive the items. No refunds will be issued! Additionally, you subject your yourself to possible collection actions that might also include additional charges such as restocking fees. Please be certain to PICK-UP items at the Show or promptly pay shipping invoices if you are unable to make the train show.
Location Hickory Metro Convention Center 1960 13th Ave Dr SE Hickory, NC 28602
Date and Time April 9th and 10th, 2021 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
This is a new way for and its subscribers to share Google Photo Albums. This post is a test to check-out the functionality and will be tweaked more in the next few days.
Location Hickory Metro Convention Center 1960 13th Ave Dr SE Hickory, NC 28602
Date and Time November 21, 2020 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Saturday, November 21st, there will be a TRAIN SHOW / NC Railroad Expo at the Hickory NC Metro & Convention Center. located in Hickory, directly off I-40. This train show is a much needed event and the last one this year. It opens at 9:00 AM and ends at 4:00 PM. will be there with several tables of great G, HO, N, O and S scale model railroad trains and accessories for sale. Items available from ShowMyHobby include Steam and Diesel engine locomotives, train cars (assembled and kits), tracks, buildings (assembled and kits), trucks, trailers, semi-tractor trailers, Intermodal rail cars, trains sets, shipping containers, train ornaments, and other model railroad accessories.
This is an excellent opportunity to get into the World’s Greatest Hobby of model railroading or to add to your train empire or collection. ShowMyHobby has roadname signs and placards, lapel pins, engineer hats for both children and adults, plus tons of modern and older era trains and automobiles. Grab your spouse, the children and even a neighbor or two and come on over to the Hickory Train Show. The concession stand will be open with snacks. Make a day of it. You’ll love it!
Admission is $5 for adults and teens over the age of 12. Mask are required and social-distancing procedures are in place. shall be a vendor in attendance at the train show. Cash and plastic are acceptable forms of payment (payment using plastic credit and debit cards incur an additional 3% processing fee). PayPal app users can pay using the app. Currently, there are over 100 items available on the ShowMyHobby website. There will be over 500 items at the show. Items sold at the show will take precedence over items sold online during the day of the show. Most of our items are in original boxes or packaging and are in great shape. Many of our items are new, old stock or opened-boxed items. Some items have been slightly used. At passed shows, we have allowed testing of locomotives. During this show, no testing will be allowed and items will not be allowed to leave our area without payment. Please limit your handling of items to a minimum prior to your purchase.
Not sure where we will be inside the building yet. Once I find out, I will try to update this ad. I will be wearing one of the Blue & White Denim Engineer hats that we sell.
Are you looking for Christmas Gift ideas? Trains are the World’s Greatest Hobby. They make excellent gifts for people. Can’t make it to the show. No problems. Visit We now have GIFT Cards available online only for amounts up to $500. Give the train collector and enthusiast in your life a wonderful Christmas gift. Give them a Gift Card so they can get exactly the train item they want or need. Available online only!
The Hickory Train Show is sponsored by the Alexander Chapter- NRHS. helps promote the show to increase awareness and participation.
Get $10 off your purchase. Use this referral link to open a New Customer account with has…