My Amtrak Train Models HO & N scale can be seen on this page eventually. However, I just saw the following video for the first time on Bachmann’s YouTube page on December 27th, 2024. So, I wanted to share it with my visitors. The video shows the First Look at Bachmann’s HO Amtrak Acela II locomotives. The passenger cars have been out for a while now, and I have been interested in seeing what the new Bachmann Acela II locomotives and sets will look like.
Wow! Doesn’t that look great? It’s going to be even cooler seeing it run around a track when that time comes.
Some of you may know that I like to combine 2 of my hobbies: trains and travel. For New Years a couple of years ago (2021), I considered taking a train from the Charlotte, NC area to around Baltimore where it looked as if I could pick-up a ride on the new Acela II train cars. But every time I tried to book the tickets, I had trouble telling for certain if the train I was going to be riding on would be an Acela II train set, plus I also had trouble settling on WHERE in New York I was going to go to watch the Ball drop on New Year’s Eve. In the end, I didn’t book anything nor did I go. A regular Acela train may have been running at that time, but I think they were running further North near Massachusetts. I couldn’t confirm that they were running from Baltimore. Thus far, I have not been aboard an Acela train (to my knowledge).
I have 2 Bachmann Acela Train Sets in my Amtrak Train Models HO collection, plus 2 additional cars acquired in 2024, that I haven’t even removed from their shipping box or tested yet. Hopefully, I will get a chance in 2025 to run all of the Acela trains that I have. I ran the 2 sets combined this past summer at the North Carolina Transportation Museum on the Metrolina Model Railroaders club’s French, Broad & Catawba layout. A couple of those videos will be posted here eventually, along with other videos of HO & N scale Amtrak train running on my own layouts.
I also have a good many N scale Amtrak passenger cars and locomotives. Some of the cars are lighted. I hope you enjoy them when you see them.
My first personal video that I am posting you have already seen on my ShowMyHobby YouTube channel or on another post related to my CB&Q trains. Both are in the following video.
In the next video, only the HO scale Walthers DC only locomotive belongs to me. I was testing some roadrailers that were on consignment. Those have been purchased by a fellow club member who has a very impressive roadrailer collection.
If you would like a full listing of the Amtrak rolling stock that I have, let me know in a comment on this page. Please only let me know if you want to see the list of Amtrak Rolling stock when you comment. None of the comments you post will be shown to the public and I will only live the ability for you to comment up as long as people do not abuse it by sending me spam, offers about things I am never going to be interested, or other junk. If I start receiving too much crap unrelated to the list of my Amtrak Rolling Stock List, I will remove the ability to comment on this page as I have done on practically everywhere else.
Right now, Bachmann hasn’t announced when they plan to release the new HO scale Amtrak Acela II locomotives. I cannot be sure that I will get one as I imagine they will be expensive. [While watching the video for the 3rd time, I decided to put in it full screen mode. That time, I saw that Bachmann provided a model number of 01206. So, I visited the page, and they have already priced their Bachmann Amtrak Acela II Train Set at $799.00. The page says Coming Soon. I visited Trainworld and they have it on pre-order with an estimated availability date of 01-15-2025 (But don’t bank on that as Trainworld hasn’t shipped a pre-order that I have made with them on time yet. It could be months after that date before these sets actually start shipping.)] If you would like to help me get one, please donate using my donation page. Pay close attention to the donation levels so that I can publicly acknowledge and thank you your gift if you want me to. Many thanks in advance for your support.
A friend and member of a train club in Massachusetts sent me a snapshot of an article he saw in what I believe may be Model Railroad News regarding the reason Bachmann has delayed the release of the Acela II train sets and locomotives. He snapped the picture and sent it to me on December 12, 2024. You will probably have to guess at some of the words because of the reflective flash spot. You see what I received. So, right now it is still anyone’s guess as to when the new Acela II train sets from Bachmann will be available.

Created: December 27, 2024. Published: December 29, 2024.