Henry is working on quite a few hobby related projects. From time-to-time, the status of these projects will be listed here and updated. Visit every so often to see the progress of the projects. Sometimes, photos and videos will be provided.
One of the projects that will most likely take quite a few years to complete is the NMRA (National Model Railroaders Association) MMR (Master Model Railroader) Achievement program. This award requires a substantial amount of documentation. One of the elective programs is the Author program and some points can be awarded for creating and maintaining this website. So everything on this site helps further the journey towards the MMR.
Model Alaska Railroad Trains
Eventually, this page will display information on Henry's Model Alaska Railroad Trains, which will also coordinate with Henry's Travel Trip ...

HO Lionel North Pole Central Passenger Train
December 3rd, 2024, I am still interested in a Christmas HO Lionel North Pole Central Passenger Train that consist of ...

Model HO White Pass & Yukon Route Train Set
I have here the beginning of what will eventually become my model HO White Pass & Yukon Route train set ...

Model North Carolina Piedmont Service
Inspired by a train ride talked about by a previous member of the model railroad club that I am a ...

HJR Customized Lionel O Gauge Conrail Trackside MOW Gantry Crane
December 31, 2022 Here is a very interesting project for the O scalers out there. As some of you may ...

Chicago, Burlington & Quincy (CB&Q) N scale Collection featuring the Kato California Zephyr and Silver Streak Zephyr
On this page, I am sharing with you the history of the compilation of my N scale California Zephyr Chicago, ...

HO Seaboard Air Lines
Being a model railroader from Belmont, North Carolina, it would be neglectful of me to not collect and operate one ...

HJR SOFTWARE (HJRS) is a small computer-business in Belmont, North Carolina. The HO 50' CSD Boxcar will be an advertising ...

My Libraryville HO Scale Layout
Today, May 4th, 2023, a Veteran on eBay asked me for some pictures of my layout so he could get ...

HJR Lonsway Pike
N scale 7 ft x 3.5 ft Atlas Code 55 layout called HJR Lonsway Pike. The HJR Lonsway Pike is ...